Jakarta Green Building User Guide : Introduction

Habis terjual
Kode Buku
Nama Pengarang
Dinas Pengawasan dan Penertiban Bangunan
Nama Penerbit
Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta
Tahun Terbit
Jenis Buku
Buku Elektronik

The user guides have been designed as a simple elaboration of the code requirements, and does not describe the design practices or technologies in extensive detail. The guides are intended for use by architects, engineers, developers, building managers as well as government officials responsible for design evaluation. It could also be used for spreading awareness of green building practices among professional associations, academic and developmental organizations

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Jakarta Green Building User Guide : Introduction

The user guides have been designed as a simple elaboration of the code requirements, and does not describe the design practices or technologies in extensive detail. The guides are intended for use by architects, engineers, developers, building managers as well as government officials responsible for design evaluation. It could also be used for spreading awareness of green building practices among professional associations, academic and developmental organizations

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