Wireless sensor network-based strcutural health monitoring of bridges using advanced signal processing techniques

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Nama Pengarang
Syed Humair Ali, Tariq Mairaj Rasool Khan, Murad Abdullah,and Muhammad Zaid
Nama Penerbit
ASTM: Journal of Testing and Evaluation
Tahun Terbit
1 March 2021
Jenis Buku
Buku Elektronik

Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) offer reliable and cost-effective automated applications for structural health monitoring (SHM) of civil infrastructure. This article presents a vibration analysis–based method for SHM of civil infrastructures using WSNs. In the proposed research work, advanced signal processing techniques are applied on actual vibration data acquired using low-power WSNs to classify healthy and degraded civil structures.

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Wireless sensor network-based strcutural health monitoring of bridges using advanced signal processing techniques

Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) offer reliable and cost-effective automated applications for structural health monitoring (SHM) of civil infrastructure. This article presents a vibration analysis–based method for SHM of civil infrastructures using WSNs. In the proposed research work, advanced signal processing techniques are applied on actual vibration data acquired using low-power WSNs to classify healthy and degraded civil structures.

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