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This chapter provides a basic description of OLEV and its enabling technology of SMFIR (Shaped Magnetic Field In Resonance). It then briefly compares OLEV/SMFIR with other vehicles that use IC engines and other electric vehicles in terms of environmental impact, performance, and cost, which are explored further in Part IV of the book. It also explains the potential benefits of electrifying ground transportation systems (EGTS) with technology like OLEV and connecting these systems to smart electric grids. Finally, it describes efforts made to commercialize OLEV and lessons from these efforts
This chapter provides a basic description of OLEV and its enabling technology of SMFIR (Shaped Magnetic Field In Resonance). It then briefly compares OLEV/SMFIR with other vehicles that use IC engines and other electric vehicles in terms of environmental impact, performance, and cost, which are explored further in Part IV of the book. It also explains the potential benefits of electrifying ground transportation systems (EGTS) with a technology like OLEV and connecting these systems to smart electric grids. Finally, it describes efforts made to commercialize OLEV and lessons from these efforts