Wireless Charging of EVs

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Buku Elektronik

In case of stationary/static charging, parking lots can be upgraded to charge EVs with the comfort of not plugging in any charging cables. Such systems can be buried or flush-mount, thereby not affecting the façade of a city and being safe from vandalism and unfavourable weather conditions. The main drawbacks of this charger are the high investment cost and the relatively higher losses when compared to conductive charging.

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Wireless Charging of EVs

In case of stationary/static charging, parking lots can be upgraded to charge EVs with the comfort of not plugging in any charging cables. Such systems can be buried or flush-mount, thereby not affecting the façade of a city and being safe from vandalism and unfavourable weather conditions. The main drawbacks of this charger are the high investment cost and the relatively higher losses when compared to conductive charging.

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