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The water-sensitive cities (WSC) approach offers an opportunity to deliver services, improve city functioning and liveability, strengthen ecosystem servicing, and transform urban health and well-being. This report provides an overview of the WSC approach, the rationale for how it can complement conventional approaches. It outlines the five principles and 10 components of a WSC approach, with the ambition to deliver on the SDGs in an integrated and transformational way and ensure no one is left behind.
The water-sensitive cities (WSC) approach offers an opportunity to deliver services, improve city functioning and liveability, strengthen ecosystem servicing, and transform urban health and well-being. This report provides an overview of the WSC approach, the rationale for how it can complement conventional approaches. It outlines the five principles and 10 components of a WSC approach, with the ambition to deliver on the SDGs in an integrated and transformational way and ensure no one is left behind.