Visionary Partnership Knowledge Innovation Lesson and Insights from the China-Singapore Suzhou Industrial Park

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ISBN #978-981-11-7798-9
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Centre for Liveable Cities, Singapore and Suzhou Industrial Park Administrative Committee
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Visionary Partnership Knowledge Innovation Lesson and Insights from the China-Singapore Suzhou Industrial Park

Visionary Partnership, Knowledge Innovation: Lessons and Insights from the China-Singapore Suzhou Industrial Park seeks to distil the key lessons and insights from the development experience of the Suzhou Industrial Park (SIP) in China. Besides discussing the shared journey undertaken by Singapore and China, the publication delves into areas of experience and guiding principles that would be relevant and applicable to the urbanisation challenges of cities within China and internationally. Through extensive research and interviews with pioneers and experts from Singapore and China who were involved in the SIP at various stages of its development, this book is a useful, practical reference for policy-makers, mayors, industry leaders and academics interested in understanding the SIP’s evolution in becoming an economically vibrant and liveable city.

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