Vision guided autonomous robotic assembly and as-built scanning on unstructed construction sites

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Nama Pengarang
Chen Feng , Yong Xiao, Aaron Willetter , Wes McGee , Vineet R. Kamat
Nama Penerbit
Elsevier B.V.
Tahun Terbit
2 July 2015
Jenis Buku
Buku Elektronik

On-site construction robotics has to consider and address two unique challenges: 1) the rugged, evolving, and unstructured environment of typical work sites, and 2) the reversed spatial relationship between the product and the manipulator, i.e., the manipulator has to travel to and localize itself at the work face, rather than a partially complete product arriving at an anchored manipulator. The presented research designed and implemented algorithms that address these challenges and enable autonomous robotic assembly of freeform modular structures on construction sites

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Vision guided autonomous robotic assembly and as-built scanning on unstructed construction sites

On-site construction robotics has to consider and address two unique challenges: 1) the rugged, evolving, and unstructured environment of typical work sites, and 2) the reversed spatial relationship between the product and the manipulator, i.e., the manipulator has to travel to and localize itself at the work face, rather than a partially complete product arriving at an anchored manipulator. The presented research designed and implemented algorithms that address these challenges and enable autonomous robotic assembly of freeform modular structures on construction sites

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