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Construction and demolition waste (CDW) causes severe pollution on a global scale, as we can see from western countries as well as Chinese statistics. CDW accounts over 25% of Hong Kong’s solid waste and about 40% for Australia and EU. The classification and recycling of CDW on construction sites make a vital contribution to the successful recycling of CDW. Currently, recycling of onsite construction waste is very time-consuming and labor-intensive, which is probably one of the most critical reasons for inefficient CDW management. Previous experiences found that computer vision performed well in CDW recycling, but in special cases, the accuracy of the patrol and the picking method may cause failure
Construction and demolition waste (CDW) causes severe pollution on a global scale, as we can see from western countries as well as Chinese statistics. CDW accounts over 25% of Hong Kong’s solid waste and about 40% for Australia and EU. The classification and recycling of CDW on construction sites make a vital contribution to the successful recycling of CDW. Currently, recycling of onsite construction waste is very time-consuming and labor-intensive, which is probably one of the most critical reasons for inefficient CDW management. Previous experiences found that computer vision performed well in CDW recycling, but in special cases, the accuracy of the patrol and the picking method may cause failure