Visible light induced water detoxification through portland cement composites reinforced with photocatalytic filler : A Leap away from TiO2

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Nama Pengarang
Monisha Rastogi, Rahul Vaish
Nama Penerbit
Elsevier Science Ltd
Tahun Terbit
May 2016
Jenis Buku
Buku Elektronik

Present study discusses the performance of visible light active photocatalytic filler (PCF) immobilized in Portland cement for xanthene dye degradation. The PCF, based on BaTiO3 and reduced graphene oxide was prepared using one step hydrothermal process. It was reinforced in cement matrix in differing quantities to obtain 5%, 10% and 20% PCF by weight mixtures (dry).

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Visible light induced water detoxification through portland cement composites reinforced with photocatalytic filler : A Leap away from TiO2

Present study discusses the performance of visible light active photocatalytic filler (PCF) immobilized in Portland cement for xanthene dye degradation. The PCF, based on BaTiO3 and reduced graphene oxide was prepared using one step hydrothermal process. It was reinforced in cement matrix in differing quantities to obtain 5%, 10% and 20% PCF by weight mixtures (dry).

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