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The purpose of this report is to quantify the potential benefits of applying HFSTs on curves using research findings that have shown their effectiveness at reducing crashes. This paper provides a background on the historical and modern use of HFSTs, shows how federal programs support them, and presents the physical components of a common application. The value of HFST treatments is also derived based on a review of studies on their effectiveness. The results are used to project the benefit of applying an HFST under various scenarios considering product cost and expected life. Finally, recommendations for placement are provided.
The purpose of this report is to quantify the potential benefits of applying HFSTs on curves using research findings that have shown their effectiveness at reducing crashes. This paper provides a background on the historical and modern use of HFSTs, shows how federal programs support them, and presents the physical components of a common application. The value of HFST treatments is also derived based on a review of studies on their effectiveness. The results are used to project the benefit of applying an HFST under various scenarios considering product cost and expected life. Finally, recommendations for placement are provided.