Urban Transit Operations, Planning, and Economics

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ISBN-10: 9780471632658
Kode Buku
ISBN-10: 9780471632658
Nama Pengarang
Vukan R Vuchic
Nama Penerbit
Tahun Terbit
1 Januari 2005
Jenis Buku
Buku Elektronik

This book cover all aspects of urban transit operations, planning, and economics. Global in scope, up to date with current practice, and written by an internationally renowned expert. This book is covering the full range of issues involved in the operation, planning, and financing of transit systems.

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Urban Transit Operations, Planning, and Economics Part 1
Urban Transit Operations, Planning, and Economics Part 2
Urban Transit Operations, Planning, and Economics Part 3

This book cover all aspects of urban transit operations, planning, and economics. Global in scope, up to date with current practice, and written by an internationally renowned expert. This book is covering the full range of issues involved in the operation, planning, and financing of transit systems.

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