Urban Systems Studies Jurong Island Creating a World-Class Energy and Chemicals Hub

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Kode Buku
ISBN 978-981-18-2452-4
Nama Pengarang
James Tan Song En
Nama Penerbit
Centre for Liveable Cities, Singapore
Tahun Terbit
Jenis Buku
Buku Elektronik
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Urban Systems Studies Jurong Island Creating a World-Class Energy and Chemicals Hub

Jurong Island: Creating a World-Class Energy and Chemicals Hub chronicles the genesis, planning and development of Jurong Island. Originally seven small islands located south of Singapore, Jurong Island today serves as the base of operations for over 100 leading chemical and energy companies. Convincing international companies to invest in Singapore was no easy feat and required the creation and provision of competitive advantages, such as its vertically integrated structure and plug-and-play concept. Jurong Island is also constantly examining ways to remain competitive and  sustainable in an increasingly unpredictable world, whether through diversifying to include specialty chemicals, building research and innovation capabilities, implementing digitisation, or moving towards a circular economy. This study examines Singapore’s approach to managing and growing such heavy industries while maintaining a high level of liveability and sustainability.

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