Urban System Studies Preparing for a Climate Resilient Singapore

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Urban System Studies Preparing for a Climate Resilient Singapore
Kode Buku
ISBN 978-981-14-8686-9
Nama Pengarang
Nama Penerbit
Centre for Liveable Cities, Singapore
Tahun Terbit
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Buku Elektronik
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Urban System Studies Preparing for a Climate Resilient Singapore

This Urban Systems Study documents Singapore’s efforts to address climate change. Since its independence, Singapore has sought to balance economic development with concern for a clean and sustainable environment. As the seriousness of clima te change becomes clearer, efforts have been stepped up to mitigate carbon emissions and adapt to projected changes. Working domestically and cooperating internationally, Singapore has adopted innovative, forward-looking and integrative solutions to address this existential challenge, recognising that ultimately, a liveable city must be a
climate resilient one. This book highlights Singapore’s past and ongoing efforts to reach this goal.

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