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This report, which covers the activities of the UFPF trust funds from January to December 2021, also tells stories on how UFPF managed to work along the ropes of addressing these issues despite the current situation. For instance, through the Spatial Analysis and Data Explorer (SPADE) platform, the Urban Climate Change Resilience Trust Fund (UCCRTF) provided support with the conduct of climate risk and vulnerability analysis (CRVA) for a total of 22 towns for the forthcoming Coastal Towns Climate Resilience Project in Bangladesh. The support focused on assessing the specific climate risks faced by each town (i.e., flooding, storm surge, drought, etc.), and the potential extent of future damages, to determine the appropriate project investments for each town and the proper siting for these and was incorporated in the project concept design.
This report, which covers the activities of the UFPF trust funds from January to December 2021, also tells stories on how UFPF managed to work along the ropes of addressing these issues despite the current situation. For instance, through the Spatial Analysis and Data Explorer (SPADE) platform, the Urban Climate Change Resilience Trust Fund (UCCRTF) provided support with the conduct of climate risk and vulnerability analysis (CRVA) for a total of 22 towns for the forthcoming Coastal Towns Climate Resilience Project in Bangladesh. The support focused on assessing the specific climate risks faced by each town (i.e., flooding, storm surge, drought, etc.), and the potential extent of future damages, to determine the appropriate project investments for each town and the proper siting for these and was incorporated in the project concept design.