Transformer System for Electic Railways

Habis terjual
Kode Buku
Patent No. 527,857
Nama Pengarang
M Huttin and M. Leblanc
Nama Penerbit
Transformer System For Electric Railways
Tahun Terbit
Oktober 1894
Jenis Buku
Buku Elektronik

Be it known that we, MAURICE HUTIN and MAURICE LEBLANO, both citizens of the Re public of France, and both residents of Paris, 5 France, have invented certain new and use ful Improvements in Systems of Electric Trac tion for Vehicles, (which invention is pat ented in France, No. 209,323, dated November 5, 1890,) of which the following is a specification. This invention relates to a method of and apparatus for electric traction of vehicles, and aims to provide certain improvements in this direction, which will be hereinafter fullyset forth.

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Transformer System for Electic Railways

Be it known that we, MAURICE HUTIN and MAURICE LEBLANO, both citizens of the Re public of France, and both residents of Paris, 5 France, have invented certain new and use ful Improvements in Systems of Electric Trac tion for Vehicles, (which invention is pat ented in France, No. 209,323, dated November 5, 1890,) of which the following is a specification. This invention relates to a method of and apparatus for electric traction of vehicles, and aims to provide certain improvements in this direction, which will be hereinafter fullyset forth.

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