Traffic and Highway Engineering Fourth Edition

Habis terjual
ISBN-10 0-495-08250-3
Kode Buku
ISBN-10 0-495-08250-3
Nama Pengarang
Nicholas J. Garber dan Lester A. Hoel
Nama Penerbit
Cengage Learning
Tahun Terbit
Jenis Buku
Buku Elektronik

The objectives of this textbook are to be a contemporary and complete text in highway and traffic engineering that can be used primarily at the undergraduate level and to serve as a reference for engineers in the highway field and as a study guide for use in preparing for the professional engineering license exam, review courses, and preparation for graduate comprehensive exams in transportation engineering.

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Traffic and Highway Engineering Fourth Edition Part 1-3
Traffic and Highway Engineering Fourth Edition Part 4-5

The objectives of this textbook are to be a contemporary and complete text in highway and traffic engineering that can be used primarily at the undergraduate level and to serve as a reference for engineers in the highway field and as a study guide for use in preparing for the professional engineering license exam, review courses, and preparation for graduate comprehensive exams in transportation engineering.

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