Thin whitetopping - the colorado experience

Habis terjual
Kode Buku
Nama Pengarang
H. Thomas Yu, P.E., and Shiraz Tayabji, P.E., Ph.D.,
Nama Penerbit
Federal Highway Administration Office of Pavement Technology
Tahun Terbit
June 2007
Jenis Buku
Buku Elektronik

“Whitetopping” refers to the use of a concrete overlay to resurface a distressed asphalt pavement. Conventional whitetopping (conventional concrete overlay placed directly over an existing asphalt pavement) has a long history of use, and the practice is well established. However, of recent origin are whitetopping techniques that depend on a bond between the concrete resurfacing and the existing asphalt pavement surface (typically milled). These bonded whitetoppings incorporate thinner concrete resurfacing and shorter joint spacing.

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Thin whitetopping - the colorado experience

“Whitetopping” refers to the use of a concrete overlay to resurface a distressed asphalt pavement. Conventional whitetopping (conventional concrete overlay placed directly over an existing asphalt pavement) has a long history of use, and the practice is well established. However, of recent origin are whitetopping techniques that depend on a bond between the concrete resurfacing and the existing asphalt pavement surface (typically milled). These bonded whitetoppings incorporate thinner concrete resurfacing and shorter joint spacing.

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