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“Whitetopping” refers to the use of a concrete overlay to resurface a distressed asphalt pavement. Conventional whitetopping (conventional concrete overlay placed directly over an existing asphalt pavement) has a long history of use, and the practice is well established. However, of recent origin are whitetopping techniques that depend on a bond between the concrete resurfacing and the existing asphalt pavement surface (typically milled). These bonded whitetoppings incorporate thinner concrete resurfacing and shorter joint spacing.
“Whitetopping” refers to the use of a concrete overlay to resurface a distressed asphalt pavement. Conventional whitetopping (conventional concrete overlay placed directly over an existing asphalt pavement) has a long history of use, and the practice is well established. However, of recent origin are whitetopping techniques that depend on a bond between the concrete resurfacing and the existing asphalt pavement surface (typically milled). These bonded whitetoppings incorporate thinner concrete resurfacing and shorter joint spacing.