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This study results in a design guide for Thin Whitetopping (TWT), i.e. thin concrete slabs with a thickness less than 200 mm bonded to an asphalt layer. By using the developed method general design charts are created for TWT. Furthermore, standardized systems for TWT are derived following the standard classification for road pavement design (German „Richtlinien für die Standardisierung des Oberbaues von Verkehrsflächen”, RStO).
This study results in a design guide for Thin Whitetopping (TWT), i.e. thin concrete slabs with a thickness less than 200 mm bonded to an asphalt layer. By using the developed method general design charts are created for TWT. Furthermore, standardized systems for TWT are derived following the standard classification for road pavement design (German „Richtlinien für die Standardisierung des Oberbaues von Verkehrsflächen”, RStO).