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Urban transport is an important part of the World Bank Group’s investment, knowledge, and advisory portfolio. Economically, transport is the lifeblood of metropolitan regions, which represent large and increasing sources of economic growth in both high-income and low- and middle-income countries. Socially, urban transport provides access to jobs, health care, education, and social services that are essential to the welfare of all. Urban transport can contribute to poverty reduction, shared prosperity,1 and social inclusion both through its impact on a city’s economy, and hence on economic growth, and through its direct impact on the daily needs of all (Gwilliam 2002).
Urban transport is an important part of the World Bank Group’s investment, knowledge, and advisory portfolio. Economically, transport is the lifeblood of metropolitan regions, which represent large and increasing sources of economic growth in both high-income and low- and middle-income countries. Socially, urban transport provides access to jobs, health care, education, and social services that are essential to the welfare of all. Urban transport can contribute to poverty reduction, shared prosperity,1 and social inclusion both through its impact on a city’s economy, and hence on economic growth, and through its direct impact on the daily needs of all (Gwilliam 2002).