The Truck Industry in the Middle East

Habis terjual
Kode Buku
Nama Pengarang
Roman Mathyssek, Michael W. Rüger
Nama Penerbit
Arthur D. Little
Tahun Terbit
September 2016
Jenis Buku
Buku Elektronik

Conventional wisdom in the truck industry is that the Middle East is mostly a budget-truck market, with a strong presence of Chinese manufacturers – but the reality is different. The Middle East is, firstly, on a far higher truck-quality standard and, more importantly, does not receive the degree of manufacturer management attention it should. Substantial potential will loom in the region for the next decade, but management needs to focus on dedicated strategies to realize the growth that it holds. The aim of this study is to put the Middle East into the spotlight, as well as provide a foundation for truck industry stakeholders to leverage its potential.

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The Truck Industry in the Middle East
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