The Socioeconomic Spillovers of Sanitation: Sewage Treatment Plants in Navi Mumbai, India

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Vinayakam Jothiprakash, Marcus Joseph Tobias, and KE Seetha Ram
Nama Penerbit
Asian Development Bank Institute
Tahun Terbit
1 May 2020
Jenis Buku
Buku Elektronik

Urbanization and industrialization draw people from rural areas to migrate to cities in search of a better standard of living. In fast-developing countries like India, the large flow of migrants to major cities puts much pressure on city infrastructure especially on the water supply and sanitation system and particularly on sanitation infrastructure such as the wastewater collection network, treatment through sewage treatment plants (STPs), sewage disposal system, and the reuse distribution system.

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The Socioeconomic Spillovers of Sanitation: Sewage Treatment Plants in Navi Mumbai, India

Urbanization and industrialization draw people from rural areas to migrate to cities in search of a better standard of living. In fast-developing countries like India, the large flow of migrants to major cities puts much pressure on city infrastructure especially on the water supply and sanitation system and particularly on sanitation infrastructure such as the wastewater collection network, treatment through sewage treatment plants (STPs), sewage disposal system, and the reuse distribution system.

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