The Shell Bitumen Handbook

Habis terjual
ISBN 0 7277 3220 X
Kode Buku
ISBN 0 7277 3220 X
Nama Pengarang
John Read dan David Whiteoak
Nama Penerbit
Thomas Telford Publishing
Tahun Terbit
Jenis Buku
Buku Elektronik

This respected Handbook has earned its reputation as the authoritative source of information on bitumens used in road pavements and other surfacing applications. This new edition has been up-dated to ensure The Shell Bitumen Handbook retains its excellent reputation. 

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The Shell Bitumen Handbook Fifth Edition-1-80
The Shell Bitumen Handbook Fifth Edition-81-160
The Shell Bitumen Handbook Fifth Edition-161-240
The Shell Bitumen Handbook Fifth Edition-241-300
The Shell Bitumen Handbook Fifth Edition-301-360
The Shell Bitumen Handbook Fifth Edition-361-464

This respected Handbook (Fifth Edition) has earned its reputation as the authoritative source of information on bitumens used in road pavements and other surfacing applications. This new edition has been up-dated to ensure The Shell Bitumen Handbook retains its excellent reputation. 

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