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The social role of transportation infrastructures is undeniable. They service citizens by connecting people with hospitals, schools and workplaces. For this very reason, transportation infrastructures –particularly roads in the context of this Technical Report-, must be not only efficient, but also safe. Tunnels represent one of the features of the road network where safety concerns become more important. Road tunnels hold unique characteristics and deserve special attention, even if accidents do not occur more often in tunnels than in other points of the road network.
The social role of transportation infrastructures is undeniable. They service citizens by connecting people with hospitals, schools and workplaces. For this very reason, transportation infrastructures –particularly roads in the context of this Technical Report-, must be not only efficient, but also safe. Tunnels represent one of the features of the road network where safety concerns become more important. Road tunnels hold unique characteristics and deserve special attention, even if accidents do not occur more often in tunnels than in other points of the road network.