The handbook of highway engineering

Habis terjual
Kode Buku
ISBN 0-8493-1986-2
Nama Pengarang
T. F. Fwa
Nama Penerbit
Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
Tahun Terbit
Jenis Buku
Buku Elektronik

To fully exploit the benefits of highway development and minimize possible adverse influences, the study of highway engineering must expand from merely meeting the basic needs of offering safe and speedy access from one point to another, to a field of study that not only covers the structural and functional requirements of highways and city streets but also addresses the socio-economic and environmental impacts of road network development.

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The handbook of highway engineering

To fully exploit the benefits of highway development and minimize possible adverse influences, the study of highway engineering must expand from merely meeting the basic needs of offering safe and speedy access from one point to another, to a field of study that not only covers the structural and functional requirements of highways and city streets but also addresses the socio-economic and environmental impacts of road network development.

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