The effect of pavements material on road lighting performance

Habis terjual
Kode Buku
Nama Pengarang
S. Fotios , P. Boyce and C. Ellis
Nama Penerbit
Sheffield Hallam University
Tahun Terbit
October 2005
Jenis Buku
Buku Elektronik

The primary purpose of road lighting is to make people, vehicles and objects on the road visible by revealing them in silhouette against the road surface. As a result, road lighting standards are expressed in terms of three luminance metrics, average road surface luminance, overall luminance uniformity ratio and longitudinal luminance uniformity ratio. The luminance of any point on a road surface is a function of the illuminance on, and the reflection properties of, the pavement material. The reflection properties of the road surface will be determined by the pavement material used, whether it is wet or dry, and how much use the road has had.

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The effect of pavements material on road lighting performance

The primary purpose of road lighting is to make people, vehicles and objects on the road visible by revealing them in silhouette against the road surface. As a result, road lighting standards are expressed in terms of three luminance metrics, average road surface luminance, overall luminance uniformity ratio and longitudinal luminance uniformity ratio. The luminance of any point on a road surface is a function of the illuminance on, and the reflection properties of, the pavement material. The reflection properties of the road surface will be determined by the pavement material used, whether it is wet or dry, and how much use the road has had.

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