The Correlation between texture depth, pendulum test value and roughness index of varoius asphalts surfaces in Malaysia

Habis terjual
Kode Buku
IRRAS 13(1)
Nama Pengarang
Suleiman Arafat Yero, Mohd. Rosli Hainin & Haryati Yacoob
Nama Penerbit
Tahun Terbit
Oktober 2012
Jenis Buku
Buku Elektronik

This study is aim at determining the correlation between the pendulum test value (PTV), texture depth (TD), and roughness index (IRI) of various bituminous road surfaces. The study investigated 180 test points, and three different tests were conducted on the 6 selected test road surfaces. The texture depth is a measure of the macrotexture of the pavement surface, while the microtexture, is referred to as the interstices of the aggregate that can resist polishing by traffic. The roughness of the road surface is a factor for determining the roughness index (IRI). The study was conducted on three different bituminous surfaces these includes, asphalt concrete wearing (ACW), stone mastic asphalt (SMA), and surface dressed(SD) surfaces on Jalan Tebrau, Jalan Pontian and Jalan Parit Yaani in Batu Pahad. From the results obtained from the study shows a weak correlation between the texture depth and the roughness index of the SD road surfaces. For the SMA and ACW surfaces there was weak or no correlation as the coefficient of variance (R 2 ) is relatively less than unity. But the general trend shows that the higher the texture depth (TD), the higher the roughness index (IRI) and the pendulum test values (PTV).

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The Correlation between texture depth, pendulum test value and roughness index of varoius asphalts surfaces in Malaysia

This study is aim at determining the correlation between the pendulum test value (PTV), texture depth (TD), and roughness index (IRI) of various bituminous road surfaces. The study investigated 180 test points, and three different tests were conducted on the 6 selected test road surfaces. The texture depth is a measure of the macrotexture of the pavement surface, while the microtexture, is referred to as the interstices of the aggregate that can resist polishing by traffic. The roughness of the road surface is a factor for determining the roughness index (IRI). The study was conducted on three different bituminous surfaces these includes, asphalt concrete wearing (ACW), stone mastic asphalt (SMA), and surface dressed(SD) surfaces on Jalan Tebrau, Jalan Pontian and Jalan Parit Yaani in Batu Pahad. From the results obtained from the study shows a weak correlation between the texture depth and the roughness index of the SD road surfaces. For the SMA and ACW surfaces there was weak or no correlation as the coefficient of variance (R 2 ) is relatively less than unity. But the general trend shows that the higher the texture depth (TD), the higher the roughness index (IRI) and the pendulum test values (PTV).

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