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This report documents the current practices of Minesota in rehabiliting Hot Mix Asphalt pavement with thin and ultra-thin Portland cement concrete overlays, i.e. thin and ultra-thin whitetopping. The current practices of thin whitetopping (TWT) in Minnesota and its adjacent states have shown that TWT has been used successfully and is an important alternative for rehabilitating HMA pavements of medium-volume roads. If designed and constructed properly, TWT is also an important alternative for rehabilitating HMA pavements of highway volume roads with more requirements in HMA quality, bonding and fiber reinforcement.
This report documents the current practices of Minesota in rehabiliting Hot Mix Asphalt pavement with thin and ultra-thin Portland cement concrete overlays, i.e. thin and ultra-thin whitetopping. The current practices of thin whitetopping (TWT) in Minnesota and its adjacent states have shown that TWT has been used successfully and is an important alternative for rehabilitating HMA pavements of medium-volume roads. If designed and constructed properly, TWT is also an important alternative for rehabilitating HMA pavements of highway volume roads with more requirements in HMA quality, bonding and fiber reinforcement.