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The structure of the book is straightforward. Part I starts with several chapters on measurement and reporting. Separate chapters provide introductions to LCA, carbon footprinting, water footprinting, nonrenewable materials management, and reporting.
The structure of the book is straightforward. Part I starts with several chapters on measurement and reporting. Separate chapters provide introductions to LCA, carbon footprinting, water footprinting, nonrenewable materials management, and reporting.
Part II covers core operational aspects of sustainable supply chains, with separate chapters devoted to green logistics, green inventory management, green facility location, operational implications of environmental regulation, responsible purchasing, green technology choice, and principles of eco-design.
Part III revolves around issues related to business models and strategy in sustainable supply chains, with chapters on the stock market value implications of environmental initiatives and business implications of sustainability practices, moving from a product-based to a service-based economy, and a strategic overview of closed-loop supply chains, design of sustainable food supply chains, and managing risk and uncertainty in sustainable supply chains. Part IV focuses more on the social dimension of sustainability, with chapters on how to improve social and environmental performance in global supply chains, perspectives on social responsibility in supply chains, and how to manage cross-sector partnerships with NGOs in sustainable supply chains. Inevitably, some chapters could have been arranged differently, and they can be read in any sequence. All chapters are also available from the publisher separately.