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The study of interdependent infrastructures is challenging due to heterogeneous quality and insufficient data availability and the need to account for the spatial and temporal aspects of the complex supply-demand operation. Research and implementation studies have attempted to address interdependence modeling through various techniques, such as Agent-Based simulation, Input-Output Inoperability, system reliability theory, nonlinear dynamics, and graph theory. These studies are mainly targeted at understanding infrastructure behavior and response to disruptions through single modeling techniques.
The study of interdependent infrastructures is challenging due to heterogeneous quality and insufficient data availability and the need to account for the spatial and temporal aspects of the complex supply-demand operation. Research and implementation studies have attempted to address interdependence modeling through various techniques, such as Agent-Based simulation, Input-Output Inoperability, system reliability theory, nonlinear dynamics, and graph theory. These studies are mainly targeted at understanding infrastructure behavior and response to disruptions through single modeling techniques.