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Foamed concretes have many potential applications. The good thermal insulating properties of foamed concrete can provide thermal insulation to buildings leading to energy saving which translates not only to monetary savings but produce positive environment impact as well. Understanding and limiting the water ingress into foamed concrete is important for these applications because an increase in water content of foamed concrete can significantly increase the conductivity of foamed concrete. Low permeability material also improves the durability of the structural element. Foamed concrete with good thermal insulation and low water permeability coefficient can also have possible application in undersea pipe insulation.
Foamed concretes have many potential applications. The good thermal insulating properties of foamed concrete can provide thermal insulation to buildings leading to energy saving which translates not only to monetary savings but produce positive environment impact as well. Understanding and limiting the water ingress into foamed concrete is important for these applications because an increase in water content of foamed concrete can significantly increase the conductivity of foamed concrete. Low permeability material also improves the durability of the structural element. Foamed concrete with good thermal insulation and low water permeability coefficient can also have possible application in undersea pipe insulation.