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This paper presents the study of BIM implementation in railway infrastructure based on a survey, with a semi-structured interview method, done on BIM-using railway contractors/users. The questionnaire was carefully designed to understand better the perspective of contractors/users in using BIM. Key challenges, including technical, personal, and process aspects are addressed. Point of view of managers and engineers who are responsible for BIM are discussed. Lastly, expectations on improvements for the features and solutions from the users were revealed so BIM can be used in a better way
This paper presents the study of BIM implementation in railway infrastructure based on a survey, with a semi-structured interview method, done on BIM-using railway contractors/users. The questionnaire was carefully designed to understand better the perspective of contractors/users in using BIM. Key challenges, including technical, personal, and process aspects are addressed. Point of view of managers and engineers who are responsible for BIM are discussed. Lastly, expectations on improvements for the features and solutions from the users were revealed so BIM can be used in a better way