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Prestressed concrete (PC) tanks have been widely used in industrial applications and are commonly constructed as base-supported structures. Inland–space-constrained cities, it may be viable to construct such facilities as floating structures in sea areas. Several innovative conceptual designs of floating fuel storage tanks, including double- and single-hull structures, are first proposed in this paper. For this new type of fuel storage facility, the self-weight and in-fill fuel are balanced by buoyancy forces, and there is no need for massive foundations.
Prestressed concrete (PC) tanks have been widely used in industrial applications and are commonly constructed as base-supported structures. Inland–space-constrained cities, it may be viable to construct such facilities as floating structures in sea areas. Several innovative conceptual designs of floating fuel storage tanks, including double- and single-hull structures, are first proposed in this paper. For this new type of fuel storage facility, the self-weight and in-fill fuel are balanced by buoyancy forces, and there is no need for massive foundations.