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The National Urban Assessment (NUA) for Azerbaijan is one of the first of a series of NUAs prepared by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for selected ADB developing member countries (DMCs) under its Urban Operational Plan (UOP) 2012–2020.1 The UOP guides investment planning and financing across key urban infrastructure sectors to improve the performance of cities, with a 3E thematic focus covering Economy, Equity, and Environment.
The National Urban Assessment (NUA) for Azerbaijan is one of the first of a series of NUAs prepared by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for selected ADB developing member countries (DMCs) under its Urban Operational Plan (UOP) 2012–2020.1 The UOP guides investment planning and financing across key urban infrastructure sectors to improve the performance of cities, with a 3E thematic focus covering Economy, Equity, and Environment.