Strategy 2030 Transport Sector Directional Guide

Habis terjual
Strategy 2030 Transport Sector Directional Guide
Kode Buku
ISBN 78-92-9270-382-0
Nama Pengarang
Nama Penerbit
Asian Development Bank
Tahun Terbit
October 2023
Jenis Buku
Buku Elektronik
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Strategy 2030 Transport Sector Directional Guide

This guide assesses transport networks across Asia and the Pacific, outlines challenges posed by rapid urbanization and climate change, and assesses how ADB can help improve the sector and drive equitable development and economic growth. Emphasizing the need to update and invest in new infrastructure, it sets out ADB’s strategy to support integrated systems, improve accessibility, and find ways to reduce transport’s negative impacts. Highlighting ADB’s flexible funding, it explains how it can help attract private sector financing, support the development of transport policies, and provide the technical assistance needed to boost efficient mobility for people and goods.

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