Solar Photovoltaic (PV) : Roadmap for Singapore

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Nama Pengarang
Prof. Joachim LUTHER, Dr. Thomas REINDL
Nama Penerbit
Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB) and Energy Market Authority (EMA)
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Solar Photovoltaic (PV) : Roadmap for Singapore

Roadmaps are designed to help to meet specific goals. The goals of the roadmap at hand are aligned with Singapore’s energy policy in terms of increasing the sustainability of Singapore’s energy supply system and meeting the following objectives Cost effective electricity supply, Increased security of energy supply, and Ecological sustainability. Scenarios are helpful tools in formulating concrete goals that will lead to the realisation of such future-compliant energy systems. The advantage of the scenario approach is that a variety of approaches can be analysed. From these, policy-makers and government bodies may choose goals that are consistent with their overall political strategy.

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