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The article states that a relative traffic accident risk depends on the values of skid resistance and its durability, which are both influenced by the texturing of Concrete pavements (CP). From the very beginning of the CP construction in the Czech Republic, transverse tining was used for surface texturing. The surface retains its acceptable skid resistance even after 40 years of traffic. Since 1993 a texturing with burlap dragging technique was introduced. Use of this surface treatment results in the reduction of megatexture and macrotexture, i.e. the reduction of unevenness and noise emissions of pavement surface, but simultaneously it reduces its skid resistance.
The article states that a relative traffic accident risk depends on the values of skid resistance and its durability, which are both influenced by the texturing of Concrete pavements (CP). From the very beginning of the CP construction in the Czech Republic, transverse tining was used for surface texturing. The surface retains its acceptable skid resistance even after 40 years of traffic. Since 1993 a texturing with burlap dragging technique was introduced. Use of this surface treatment results in the reduction of megatexture and macrotexture, i.e. the reduction of unevenness and noise emissions of pavement surface, but simultaneously it reduces its skid resistance. New transverse tining with negative macrotexture and exposed aggregate technology has been tested. The maintenance technology used for the texturing of slip surfaces is milling and by high pressure water texturing. Measured results of surface skid resistance of all surfaces are documented by measurements of TRT measuring device according to ČSN P CEN/TS 15901-4 and emission of noise according to CPX method in accordance with ISO/CD 11819-2. The durability of surface is evaluated by Wehner/Schulze accelerated polishing method according to prEN 12697-49. Exposed aggregate technology respecting the results of the Wehner/Schulze test can bring the durability of skid resistance and noise emission.