Sino-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City A New Paradigm in Collaboration

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ISBN 978-981-11-3384-8
Nama Pengarang
Phua Shi Hui, Zhou Yimin
Nama Penerbit
Centre for Liveable Cities, Singapore
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Buku Elektronik
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Sino-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City A New Paradigm in Collaboration

Singapore’s collaboration with the Chinese in Suzhou and Tianjin has shed light on the evolving needs of China over the years. When China accelerated its pace of urbanisation in the 1990s, Suzhou Industrial Park provided the platform through which China could learn Singapore’s industrial development model and development capabilities, and enable the transfer of public administration software. In the 2000s, when environmental problems arising from industrialisation became a major problem for China, Tianjin Eco-City  was established as a platform for sharing Singapore’s experiences on balancing growth and environment protection.

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