Simplified inverse method for determining the tensile strain capacity of strain hardening cementitous composites

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Kode Buku
Nama Pengarang
Shunzi Qian adn Victor C. Li
Nama Penerbit
Japan Concrete Institute
Tahun Terbit
June 2007
Jenis Buku
Buku Elektronik

This paper present a new simple inverse methods for quality control of tensile stain capacity by conducting beam bending test. It is shown through a theoritical model that the beam deflection from the flexural test can be linearly related to tensile strain capacity.

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Simplified inverse method for determining the tensile strain capacity of strain hardening cementitous composites

This paper present a new simple inverse methods for quality control of tensile stain capacity by conducting beam bending test. It is shown through a theoritical model that the beam deflection from the flexural test can be linearly related to tensile strain capacity.

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