Significance of Various Fibres on Engineered Cementitious Concrete

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Nama Pengarang
Sathishkumar. P, Sampathkumar. P, Karthik. M, Vignesh. C
Nama Penerbit
creative common
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Buku Elektronik

This thesis aims at making ECC with a mix which satisfies the strength characteristics required. Therefore various trial mixes are cast and the mix design is finalised. Polyvinyl alcohol fibres, Polyethylene fibres, Polyester fibres and Polypropylene fibres are added in various proportions (0.5 %, 1%, 1.5% and 2% by weight of cement) and the strengths are compared. Cubes, Cylinders and beams are cast and the Compressive, Split tensile and Flexural Strengths are to be compared

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Significance of Various Fibres on Engineered Cementitious Concrete

This thesis aims at making ECC with a mix which satisfies the strength characteristics required. Therefore various trial mixes are cast and the mix design is finalised. Polyvinyl alcohol fibres, Polyethylene fibres, Polyester fibres and Polypropylene fibres are added in various proportions (0.5 %, 1%, 1.5% and 2% by weight of cement) and the strengths are compared. Cubes, Cylinders and beams are cast and the Compressive, Split tensile and Flexural Strengths are to be compared

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