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This report provides guidelines for the selection and design of quieter pavement surfaces. The focus is on reducing noise at the tire-pavement interface, although the use of quieter pavement surfaces in conjunction with other noise abatement options, such as noise barriers, is also addressed as a case study. A comprehensive literature review is included that outlines the current state of the art in designing quieter pavements and all relevant contributing factors in terms of surface macrotexture, porosity, and resilience. An extensive pavement-noise database was compiled containing a large number and variety of different pavement surfaces used in Texas
This report provides guidelines for the selection and design of quieter pavement surfaces. The focus is on reducing noise at the tire-pavement interface, although the use of quieter pavement surfaces in conjunction with other noise abatement options, such as noise barriers, is also addressed as a case study. A comprehensive literature review is included that outlines the current state of the art in designing quieter pavements and all relevant contributing factors in terms of surface macrotexture, porosity, and resilience. An extensive pavement-noise database was compiled containing a large number and variety of different pavement surfaces used in Texas