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The project develops an integrated digital workflow for robotic tile placement that allows off-site use of industrial robotics for on-site tiled surfaces, and tests feasibility in the context of the tile industry. The proposed approach overcomes the limitations of existing methods that focus on efficiency by enabling unique and complex tile patterns. A design experiment is used during the development of computational and robotic technologies. Integration and industry implementation were studied through interviews with experts, field studies, and literature research that included a review of U.S. tile installation standards
The project develops an integrated digital workflow for robotic tile placement that allows off-site use of industrial robotics for on-site tiled surfaces, and tests feasibility in the context of the tile industry. The proposed approach overcomes the limitations of existing methods that focus on efficiency by enabling unique and complex tile patterns. A design experiment is used during the development of computational and robotic technologies. Integration and industry implementation were studied through interviews with experts, field studies, and literature research that included a review of U.S. tile installation standards