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Road safety is an emerging topic that has become a global issue and involves not just transportation but also social/public matters. The importance of this issue is reflected in the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2010- 2020 Program by the United Nations Organisation. Rapid growth in vehicle ownership in recent years, increased population, and various types of vehicles available have worsened road safety issues. Therefore, road safety has become the first consideration when determining policies related to national roads.
Road safety is an emerging topic that has become a global issue and involves not just transportation but also social/public matters. The importance of this issue is reflected in the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2010- 2020 Program by the United Nations Organisation. Rapid growth in vehicle ownership in recent years, increased population, and various types of vehicles available have worsened road safety issues. Therefore, road safety has become the first consideration when determining policies related to national roads.