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Bonded whitetopping consists of a thin concrete overlay of a distressed asphalt pavement. The existing design procedures for bonded whitetopping were developed based on the assumption that the failure mode is a function of the overlay thickness. It has been traditionally assumed in design that for thin whitetopping (TWT) (overlay thickness greater than 4 but less than 6 in) the failure mode is transverse cracking and for ultra-thin whitetopping (UTW) (overlay thickness between 2 to 4 in) the failure mode is corner cracking.
Bonded whitetopping consists of a thin concrete overlay of a distressed asphalt pavement. The existing design procedures for bonded whitetopping were developed based on the assumption that the failure mode is a function of the overlay thickness. It has been traditionally assumed in design that for thin whitetopping (TWT) (overlay thickness greater than 4 but less than 6 in) the failure mode is transverse cracking and for ultra-thin whitetopping (UTW) (overlay thickness between 2 to 4 in) the failure mode is corner cracking.