Quite Pavements systems in europe

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Nama Pengarang
David Gibbs, Randell Iwasaki, Robert Bernhard, James Bledsoe, Douglas Carlson, Christopher Corbisier, Kenneth Fults, Thomas Hearne, Jr., Kevin McMullen, David Newcomb, John Roberts, Judith Rochat, Larry Scofield, Mark Swanlund
Nama Penerbit
Federal Highway Administration
Tahun Terbit
May 2005
Jenis Buku
Buku Elektronik

The team’s recommendations for U.S. implementation include evaluating the use of double-layer porous asphalt mixes to reduce noise on high-speed roadways, reducing the size of the aggregate used in mixes applied to the wearing surface, and trying thin-textured surfacing using a small aggregate in urban and other areas with lower traffic speeds. The team also recommends assembling a team of acoustical experts and pavement engineers to develop protocols for measuring the acoustical performance of quiet pavements.

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Quite Pavements systems in europe

The team’s recommendations for U.S. implementation include evaluating the use of double-layer porous asphalt mixes to reduce noise on high-speed roadways, reducing the size of the aggregate used in mixes applied to the wearing surface, and trying thin-textured surfacing using a small aggregate in urban and other areas with lower traffic speeds. The team also recommends assembling a team of acoustical experts and pavement engineers to develop protocols for measuring the acoustical performance of quiet pavements.

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