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The team’s recommendations for U.S. implementation include evaluating the use of double-layer porous asphalt mixes to reduce noise on high-speed roadways, reducing the size of the aggregate used in mixes applied to the wearing surface, and trying thin-textured surfacing using a small aggregate in urban and other areas with lower traffic speeds. The team also recommends assembling a team of acoustical experts and pavement engineers to develop protocols for measuring the acoustical performance of quiet pavements.
The team’s recommendations for U.S. implementation include evaluating the use of double-layer porous asphalt mixes to reduce noise on high-speed roadways, reducing the size of the aggregate used in mixes applied to the wearing surface, and trying thin-textured surfacing using a small aggregate in urban and other areas with lower traffic speeds. The team also recommends assembling a team of acoustical experts and pavement engineers to develop protocols for measuring the acoustical performance of quiet pavements.