Quantifying the impact of jointed concrete pavement curling and warping on pavement unevenness

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George K. Chang, Steven M. Karamihas, Robert Otto Rasmussen, David Merritt, Mark Swanlund
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Jenis Buku
Buku Elektronik

Curling and warping of jointed concrete pavement (JCP) are well-known phenomena. It is a common belief that this behavior may impact pavement unevenness, and thus driver comfort. This relationship has been difficult to quantify in the past due to lack of adequate field measurements and appropriate analysis techniques.

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Quantifying the impact of jointed concrete pavement curling and warping on pavement unevenness

Curling and warping of jointed concrete pavement (JCP) are well-known phenomena. It is a common belief that this behavior may impact pavement unevenness, and thus driver comfort. This relationship has been difficult to quantify in the past due to lack of adequate field measurements and appropriate analysis techniques.

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