PPP-Readiness Self Assessment

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PPP-Readiness Self Assessment
Kode Buku
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Nama Penerbit
UNESCAP Transport and Tourism Division
Tahun Terbit
1 November 2005
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Buku Elektronik
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PPP-Readiness Self Assessment

The public private partnership self-assessment is designed to give policymakers, advisers and stakeholders an easy way to assess their country’s ability to conduct PPP projects. Over the past 30 years, public private partnerships have increasingly come to be seen as an answer to lack of government finance or expertise in supplying services to the public. Traditionally PPP projects have been most often utilized in the infrastructure sector to provide basic services and transportation, but provision of all sorts of services is possible (for example, hospitals and jails). Often governments find themselves in the position of being responsible for services for which they have woefully little funding, and responsible for building projects for which there is little or no technical expertise locally available

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