Plate load test 101

Habis terjual
Kode Buku
Nama Pengarang
Hennie Barnard
Nama Penerbit
Tahun Terbit
July 2015
Jenis Buku
Buku Elektronik

The main components of a conventional plate load test (PLT) include (1) a reaction beam or force, (2) a hydraulic pump and jack system to provide the applied load, (3) a selection of loading plates, (4) instruments to measure both the applied load and the plate displacements, and (5) a reference beam system.

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Plate load test 101

The main components of a conventional plate load test (PLT) include (1) a reaction beam or force, (2) a hydraulic pump and jack system to provide the applied load, (3) a selection of loading plates, (4) instruments to measure both the applied load and the plate displacements, and (5) a reference beam system.

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