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During the European Lifeþ project PhotoPAQ (Demonstration of Photocatalytic remediation Processes on Air Quality), photocatalytic remediation of nitrogen oxides (NOx) was studied in the Leopold II tunnel in Brussels, Belgium, using photocatalytic cementitious coating materials and an artificial UV lighting system. Three different approaches were used to quantify the pollution reduction, i.e. measurements before/after application, upwind/downwind of the test section and with UV lamps on/off.
During the European Lifeþ project PhotoPAQ (Demonstration of Photocatalytic remediation Processes on Air Quality), photocatalytic remediation of nitrogen oxides (NOx) was studied in the Leopold II tunnel in Brussels, Belgium, using photocatalytic cementitious coating materials and an artificial UV lighting system. Three different approaches were used to quantify the pollution reduction, i.e. measurements before/after application, upwind/downwind of the test section and with UV lamps on/off.