Pavement cross slope design - a technical review

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Nama Pengarang
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Auburn University
Tahun Terbit
April 1999
Jenis Buku
Buku Elektronik

This report presents a summary and discussion of available information from the literature related to the selection of a pavement cross slope value in the design of hightype highway pavements consisting of portland cement concrete or open graded asphalt concrete surface courses. Special attention is given to the climatic conditions and the current design practice in Alabama. In addition to the available information from the literature, a new implicit relation is derived giving the cross slope as a function of the relevant factors and a new set of curves is presented to aid in the selection of the design pavement cross slope value. The information presented in the report indicates that the cross slope values used in the current design practice in Alabama are more than adequate for the surface drainage of high-type pavements.

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Pavement cross slope design - a technical review

This report presents a summary and discussion of available information from the literature related to the selection of a pavement cross slope value in the design of hightype highway pavements consisting of portland cement concrete or open graded asphalt concrete surface courses. Special attention is given to the climatic conditions and the current design practice in Alabama. In addition to the available information from the literature, a new implicit relation is derived giving the cross slope as a function of the relevant factors and a new set of curves is presented to aid in the selection of the design pavement cross slope value. The information presented in the report indicates that the cross slope values used in the current design practice in Alabama are more than adequate for the surface drainage of high-type pavements.

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