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Pacific DMCs lag behind other regions in accelerating access to basic water supply and sanitation (WSS) with only a 4% increase in water supply coverage between 2000 and 2017 compared to 8% globally; and 3% compared to 17% globally for access to basic sanitation coverage.7 While access to water supply and basic sanitation is relatively high in urban areas in Pacific DMCs, coverage is not keeping pace with urbanization. As a result, service coverage is stagnating or even decreasing as the urban population grows.
Pacific DMCs lag behind other regions in accelerating access to basic water supply and sanitation (WSS) with only a 4% increase in water supply coverage between 2000 and 2017 compared to 8% globally; and 3% compared to 17% globally for access to basic sanitation coverage.7 While access to water supply and basic sanitation is relatively high in urban areas in Pacific DMCs, coverage is not keeping pace with urbanization. As a result, service coverage is stagnating or even decreasing as the urban population grows.